Saturday, October 03, 2009

IF: Germs

I immediately have to apologize to a particular person for this post. You know who you are, and why I'm apologizing. I didn't pick the topic... i am so sorry and will try to post many posts to get this past my homepage. :)

That being said...GERMS!!!

One thing kept popping into my head, over and over as I thought of today's topic: the computer game I played for many hours in college: WORMS! I loved that game, and the crazy landscapes and the worms perched on the smallest little tips of things not blown up (yet) and wouldn't it be cool to have a germ perched on a nose/landscape getting ready to attack with a big weapon?

Um...he's icky, I know. But he's silly, so that works for me. Plus, it really is perfect timing with the start of flu season.

Enjoy my spoof!


Salome Nourse said...

LOVE it! Imagine if the Worms-sfx were added. He he!

neilornstein said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog :)
Your germ is very scary, but cool.

dolls like us said...

It was a great idea to use the worms .

Brine Blank said...

I brought the x-box 3D had nothing on the original...simple and effective...great eye booger worm...

demonpack said...

very cool germy character...right for the eye! I liked how you chose a nice close-up shot.

AdamFF said...

The layout is very striking, and your germ character is awesome! I like the manic obsessive notes beside the character and it does look a little grinchy, but I love the ooozing quality of the bottom of the charcter. Great stuff!

Adam Foster-Fahy

Adeptio said...

Eeep! Can you sketch a can of lysol or something in there too? ;-) i forgive you since you didn't pick the subject. :-D