Friday, September 04, 2009

Illustration Friday: Strong

It's still a work-in-progress, but i'm really having fun with this piece. My only wish is that I had scanned the pencil drawing first, but that's ok. The face matches the pencil drawing fairly closely, but the pants and the shirt are slightly different...I also didn't spend even a third of the time on those that I did on the face. I also used photo reference to help with the expression! It made things MUCH easier, and once I had the drawing done to my liking, I found I really didn't need to look at the reference again for shading, because I shaded in crucial tones, such as the brow shadow, and the puckers in the bottom lip, chin, and cheeks. I've also been reading Peter de Seve's blog, so I'm being inspired by his work.

I will finish this up later and post an update once it's done. But now, to bed!


dolls like us said...

I love your artwork it is so cool.

Bee said...

What a great blog! Love your illustrations and nice to see your sketch work too. The Dragon Blossom illustration is just charming :)
Bee's Illustration Blog

AdamFF said...

That's a good way to work, to use photo ref for the large shapes and getting the proportions correct but then putting it aside so it doesnt constrict you into drawin the photo rather than drawing your drawing ;)

Can't wait to see the finshed piece! ;)

Adam Foster-Fahy