Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Working hard

I am currently alternating between 4 projects at the moment: Scott's commission, finishing up the Snow Queen painting, Onion Boy and my Renn-alien-Dugin inspired painting which is really cool, and I'm itching to paint. The snow Queen has just one more layer of paint to put down, but i'm waiting for the current one to dry, so that'll be a few days. The background for the Renn-a-D painting (i don't know what to call it yet) is drawn, and i need to scan it in so i can digitally color it this weekend down in LB. The digital coloring is only a color comp, to try and figure out my colors for the oil painting. Onion Boy for this week and last is inked and scanned, needs coloring though...that may be another thing i'm working on in LB this weekend.

Tomorrow my day is filled with housework. I have to get the bedroom ready for the new bed (including buying supplies for painting the room, which i'm doing friday) and then i have to get the computer/guest room ready for the old bed! and i have to make lasagna for this weekend.

now dinner and class!

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