Sometimes emotional turmoil stirs within...and sometimes something tragic happens
...and sometimes it's both.
I've been feeling...melancholic...recently, not sure why. I have a lot of reasons I could list, but in light of the news about the Japan earthquake and tsunami that hit today, they just seem irrelevant. My prayers are with everyone in Japan and everyone who has family in Japan.
Our friends' families in Japan are ok. Thank goodness for small blessings.
Glad your friends and family are OK. A very moving picture. You are right once you see something like this you realise how trivial your own problems often are.
This is such a lovely and moving drawing, beautiful line. Thanks for sharing.
What a delightful illustration--both the galumphing emotion of how his is slumped there on the edge and the beautiful beautiful pen and ink technique.
Beautiful illo.Very touching..thanks for sharing.
Beautiful work. The sadness has hit us all :(
Great piece. You really evoke deep emotion with this. my prayers are with all those suffering in Japan.
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