Friday, March 27, 2009

Illustration Friday: poise

The cat burglar had to use poise and balance to haul away all the goods.

It's been two weeks since I posted any artwork! Eeep! Up until then I was doing so well at posting regularly. I guess I'll just have to draw more and get back into the daily posting mode. I'm going to the zoo tomorrow, so I should be able to post some great sketches this weekend, as well as some I did earlier this week that I didn't get to post due to technical difficulties.

In life drawing, I've been having trouble with building the structure and getting the squash and pull to look right, so here's some practice. This was the second attempt, since the first one was feeling a little stiff. I'm very happy with this. I think I may try to do a repeat of the 'Legendary' post and do a finished version in color...and perhaps with an outfit and some hair too. Maybe a slight tweak to the left arm, moving the elbow up to see the back side of the arm a bit.

Any suggestions on hairstyles or outfits? should my burglar be a guy or a girl?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Procrastination, Frustration...and Technical Difficulties

The posting has been nil for the past week and a half. I only have myself to blame. I have been re-reading books when I'm supposed to be doing art. oops.

I've also been frustrated with the 'facial perspective framework' that I've been learning in figure drawing on how to build a face drawing to get accurate perspective and depth. While I know the basics of the planes of the face, it frustrates me to no end, particularly when all the 'faces' look like identical androids instead of the people I'm trying to portray. I have particular difficulty with lips, since they are the most malleable and expressive portion of the face.

After ranting and procrastinating and growling in the point that my husband commented on it, I decided to step away from faces and draw some nice peaceful penguins. That helped get me back in gear. Tonight I drew some cartoon turtles and then went on to some 1-5 minute people sketches. Eric sent me information on free stock photography, so I'm using NationsIllustrated (keyword search: people) to get interesting faces/people to draw.

Unfortunately after running updates on an unrelated program, I broke Photoshop. sigh. I've been needing to rebuild my machine for a while now, so this might change my Sunday plans... Now that I'm drawing again, I'll keep drawing and scan everything and post once my programs are up and running.