Wednesday, December 01, 2010

it is DONE! or Illustration Friday: Savour

I've been very quite for the past month, but I have been working hard!

I worked all month (read: weekends and sporadic nights) on my recipe submission for They Draw and Cook's Holiday Recipe Contest. Not only did I work on the illustration, I made LOTS of pumpkin cookies in search of my perfect cookie. My coworkers sure enjoyed that part of my project.

It's been fun, exciting, nerve-wracking, and exhausting, because it definitely came down to the last minutes before the submission deadline. I achieved most everything I set out to do with the piece. I have strong characters, strong composition and focal point, and I added/modified things up until the end to make it just right. I also used dark colors, which is still the hardest thing for me to do. I wanted to hand-letter the title, but I knew when to throw in the towel and fall back on my graphic design abilities.


ale balanzario said...

You did a very good job!! love it.

Morph Waffle said...

Wow, so, so lovely and sounds delicious, great job!

Redeker said...

I totaly love it!! I like your style and the freshness (I don't know the words for it!)

Kayleen West - Children Author/Illustrator said...

It really is a lovely illustration. I hope you do well in the competition.

Linda Hensley said...

Really nice. Good luck!

James. said...

Thats grate I love the characters this should be in a story, oh and I have a pumkin left over in my pantry so I will cut it up and try those cookies, and thanks for the recipe, well done on a good blog

Darcy Melton said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!

k.h.whitaker said...

wonderful :)

Coreopsis said...

Lovely, cozy illustration!

ghostkitten said...

i love the lighting in this. it looks cozy in there. beautiful!