Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday Stamp

In between work, art classes, holiday shopping, and testing for my 2nd degree red belt in Tae Kwondo, I've had little free time. What time I've had, has been occupied with a new type of art project for me: carving (of a sorts)!

We decided to personalize our holiday gifts this year with a hand made stamp. We wrapped all our gifts in stamped butcher-block paper and even made a few cards as well. I originally wanted to create an image-based illustration, but ran out of time and settled for typography that reads Happy Holidays both right-side up, and upside-down.


lauren carney said...

Aloha lovely!
Your blog is quite applaudable!
Here's cheers to you this festive season!
Keep up the brilliant posts!
AND Merry Christmas x x

Claire said...

What a cool stamp! Really enjoyed this!
