That being said...GERMS!!!

One thing kept popping into my head, over and over as I thought of today's topic: the computer game I played for many hours in college: WORMS! I loved that game, and the crazy landscapes and the worms perched on the smallest little tips of things not blown up (yet) and wouldn't it be cool to have a germ perched on a nose/landscape getting ready to attack with a big weapon?
Um...he's icky, I know. But he's silly, so that works for me. Plus, it really is perfect timing with the start of flu season.
Enjoy my spoof!
LOVE it! Imagine if the Worms-sfx were added. He he!
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
Your germ is very scary, but cool.
It was a great idea to use the worms .
I brought the x-box 3D had nothing on the original...simple and effective...great eye booger worm...
very cool germy character...right for the eye! I liked how you chose a nice close-up shot.
The layout is very striking, and your germ character is awesome! I like the manic obsessive notes beside the character and it does look a little grinchy, but I love the ooozing quality of the bottom of the charcter. Great stuff!
Adam Foster-Fahy
Eeep! Can you sketch a can of lysol or something in there too? ;-) i forgive you since you didn't pick the subject. :-D
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