Saturday, June 02, 2007

So this is what the workforce feels like....

Where does all my time go these days?! It feels like it has been ages since I've posted an update on the blog. And it has. The last blog I remember posting is a reflective commentary on post graduation/entering the working world. Oh, for the freedom of school and surfing the net at every available instance. (yes, I LIKE school....if i could get rid of finals, I'd LOVE school!) But I guess we all have to grow up some time. (but i don't want to...)

I'm slowly learning to find a balance between fun and illustration in my off hours. My newest favorite thing is the Secret World Chronicle, a pod cast created in part by one of my favorite authors of all time: Mercedes Lackey. heh...I just happened to look on the website again while linking to it and I noticed a little blurb at the bottom right side of the header: "Illustration by Larry Dixon." For those who aren't familiar with Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon, they're married. It helps to be married to the illustrator of your project.

...a little of topic, but that's ok. Anyway, my newest favorite thing is the podcast, because I can listen to a wonderfully written story and draw at the same time. All the fun things i want to do together!

I have one small illustration job that's in the works. I'm not divulging much, other than it's going to be the identity for an online store! So far the project has been a lot of fun and right up my alley with the cuteness factor.. I think me and my client are both experts at writing novel length emails! She's fun to chat with and has lots of good ideas. Other than that, I have illustrations for friends and family that are LONG overdue.

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